

Bugs In House

Have you tried to be your own exterminator and protect the inside of your home with various sprays or traps like ant spray, roach spray, ant traps, and mouse traps, just to see those pests and insects a few days later? If this has been your experience then it is time to read on and potentially hire a professional for pest control.

Keep Gnats, Flies, Roaches, Ants & Bed Bugs Out of Your Home

The most common indoor pests homeowners have to deal with are gnats, flies, cockroaches, moths, ants, bed bugs, fleas, scorpions, spiders, and rodents.

Gnats, also known as fungus gnats, are small, black, and have long legs. Do not confuse gnats with fruit flies or drain flies. The easiest difference to see is that fruit flies are brown and drain flies are fuzzy. Gnats typically come from eggs that have been laid in unripen fruit that you bring into your home from the store. They can also fly in from a nearby garbage can located outside.

Help With Exterminating Gnats

Once you have gnats they are hard to exterminate because they will find any moist location or anything with decaying matter and keep reproducing until you can eradicate them. Ever notice how many home remedy solutions there are to gnat control? It is because none of them are extremely effective at ridding you of your gnat problems. It is best to call professional exterminator trained pest control experts.

Pest control and exterminator services in Magnolia, TX. Photo information: Film type: 135.
Exterminate Flies

The two most common flies you will find in your home are the ones mentioned above, the fruit fly and the drain fly. Every once in a while you may see a blowfly or flesh fly but that is most likely a fly that has wondered into your home on accident. It is important to identify which type of fly has taken up residence in your home. This way we can properly treat your home.

Flies Breed, Feed & Find Ways Into Your Home

Fruit flies are very small, brown, and are distinguished by their red eyes. They very much enjoy anything with vinegar and decaying fruit. Fruit flies are most commonly found breeding in fruit that is overripe or damaged fruit, especially bananas. They will also breed in potatoes and onions that are spoiling or rotting.

Drain flies are fuzzy and look like tiny moths. They range from dark grey to black in color and are most often found near tubs and sinks. Drain flies feed on bacteria, fungi, and algae found in the microbial film that builds up in drains and plumbing. They breed in garbage cans, air conditioners, sink drains, floor drains, sliding glass door tracks, and wet cracks around your flooring. They are very hard to exterminate on your own. It is best to call a professional exterminator for these flies.

Roach exterminator needed?

Don’t Let Roaches Win, Exterminate Them

Cockroaches are some of the hardest insects to exterminate yourself. They have been around for a long time and can survive almost anywhere. Roaches are typically brown to black in color, some being reddish brown. They seek food and water when they invade your home. Roaches carry many harmful diseases that can be passed onto your family if they contaminate your food. They also leave behind fecal matter and molted skin cells that cause harsh reactions in some people with severe allergies.

Roaches love dark, warm spaces and are nocturnal. Roaches also cause great damage to your household appliances. They like to make their homes behind refrigerators, dishwasher and oven control boards, where they are exposed to the heat of the electronics. Roaches destroy those electronics with the slime they create with their droppings and other excretions. If you see one roach there are bound to be hundreds more. Call for an exterminator immediately for roach pest control.

Get Rid Of Moths

moth exterminatorMoths you find in your home come in two forms, the clothes moth and the pantry moth. Clothes moths are exactly what you think they are, moths that feed off of the clothes in your closets, shelves, and dressers. Clothes made of wool, silk, fur, and linen are especially susceptible to a moth invasion. These moths are white in color with a gold tinge.

Clothes moths not only leave holes in your clothing they also leave behind their feces, webbing, and pupae skins. Pantry month on the other hand are found in, you guessed it, the pantry. These moths are grey in color with bronze on their wings. Pantry moths feed off of your dry goods. They especially love cereal, rice, and crackers. If it is not gross enough to find these pantry moths in your food it gets even worse with these pests. Pantry moths also leave behind sticky webbing and pupae and larvae skins.

Ant Exterminator

ant exterminator
Stop ants with monthly pest control service from an exterminator near you

The most common ants we find in Texas homes are sugar ants. The formal name for sugar ants is the pharaoh ant. Sugar ants are very small compared to their fire ant or carpenter ant cousins and are light tan to reddish in color. These ants feed off of primarily sweets found in the home like jellies, honey, sugary snacks, cookies, sugar, bread. They even like some greasy foods like bacon, butter, and peanut butter. Sugar ants enjoy living in warm places near a water source. They will find any tiny crack or crevice to call home, including light sockets. Luckily these little pests are not aggressive, do not sting, and rarely bite.

Are Carpenter Ants Building In Your Home?

Every once in a while you may find fire ants or carpenter ants exterminate antssetting up their homes in your utility housings, in between walls, or any rotting wood that may be in the home. Fire ants are distinguished by their red color and carpenter ants are black and large. Both provide painful stinging sensations if bitten. If you see any ants if your home it is time to seek professional help.

Exterminator For Bed Bugs

Commercial Pest Defense

Bed bugs are some of the worst insects around. Just the mention of their name gets you to itching. Bed bugs are brown to black in color and very small. They have very tiny, elongated beaks that they use to puncture your skin and drink your blood, leaving red spots all over your body. Pest Control & Extermination of Bed BugsBed bugs prefer to live on furniture such as mattresses, sofas, and chairs, but they will also take over microwaves, TV’s, and carpeting. Beg bugs require an expert to remove them.

Fleas Can Take Over Your Home, Yard & Pets

Pest Control For FleasFleas are another creepy insect that will take over your home if you do not act quickly. These pests are small and black and jump when bothered. They are usually brought in by your household pets and will make their home wherever they can find a suitable spot. Fleas carry dangerous diseases like Lyme disease and should not be underestimated. They repopulate quickly and can make a small flea problem turn into a large infestation fast.

Scorpions are another pest Texans have to deal with. The most common scorpion found in our area is the stripped bark scorpion. It is brown to tan in color with two black stripes going down its abdomen. If stung by one it can cause quite a bit of pain. Scorpions are nocturnal so they can be hard to spot. They are known to make scratching noises behind walls and ceilings so if you hear something coming from your walls definitely call a pest control expert today.

Pest control in Magnolia, Cypress, Spring, Houston and Tomball, TX. Exterminator company and termite treatment.

Common house spiders are not much of a threat to our families and us but they can become quite a nuisance and if not controlled early on it can get out of control fast. The average spider lays approximately 250 eggs at one time. Add that up over a few spiders in your home and you will find yourself with a serious spider situation.

Exterminate Rats With Professional Pest Control Service

Finally there is the dreaded realization that rodents may be living in your home. Exterminate ratsWhether it is mice or rats neither makes for a great roommate. Exterminate mice and rats with professional pest control service from Republic Pest Control Magnolia. It is hard enough dealing with the fact that rodents are running around your home, so the thought of laying out mousetraps is even worse. To come across a poor little mouse caught in a trap is the last thing you want to deal with coming home after a long day. Let the professionals at Republic Pest Control take care of all your pest, rodent, and insect needs. You can learn more about rats and rodents from the CDC.

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