Take Control Of Your Yard With Mosquito Control
If you want to start enjoying outdoor activities again without the worry of those pesky mosquitos then it is time to call Republic Pest Control today for quality mosquito control service. Nothing is worse then when you and your family are trying to enjoy a nice backyard barbeque just to be rushed inside by stinging mosquitos. Sure you can apply stinky smelling chemicals to yourself and your kids but who wants to be stuck smelling that all day? At Republic Pest Control
we can get your mosquitos under control.

What Is a Mosquito?
Let’s breakdown what exactly a mosquito is. The most common mosquito found in Magnolia Texas is the Asian tiger mosquito. These mosquitos have distinctive black and white markings on their bodies and legs. Additionally, their thorax is distinguished with a single white stripe that does down the middle. Adult Asian tiger mosquitos only grow to be about ¼ inch long.
They have long legs, a slender body, and a set of clear wings. Their heads have antennae that look like thread, with compound eyes, and mouthparts that are slender. This makes for easy sucking of blood. The Asian tiger mosquito was first documented in Texas in 1985 and has grown exponentially in population. It is the females in this species that are the biters. Males do not bite and have very hairy antennae that almost look like a feather. They use these antennae to find females to populate with.
Mosquito Mating

Once a male and female mosquito have mated, depending on the species, the female will deposit her eggs on top of standing water, on plants, or on moist flood prone soil. It takes on average sixteen to twenty-four hours before the eggs will hatch. After the mosquito egg is hatched, it takes an additional seven days before the mosquitos start pupating. Once pupated the adult mosquitos will emerge from the back of the pupa within two to three days. Adult mosquitos live for approximately two weeks.
Mosquitos Carry Disease

Mosquitos are not only a nuisance, they can also be very dangerous, moreover, mosquitos spread deadly disease such as West Nile Virus, Zika Virus, Malaria, and Yellow Fever. West Nile Virus is one of the most prevalent mosquito-borne illnesses in the United States. The good news is that typically only one in five people exposed to the virus will develop symptoms. The symptoms of West Nile Virus can include a fever, chills, headache, body aches, vomiting, diarrhea, joint pains, or rash.

Most people will have a full recovery but for some it can takes weeks or months before getting your full energy back. The Zika Virus is also spread by mosquito bites. The scary thing about the Zika Virus is that it can cause birth defects, miscarriage, or stillbirth if a mosquito carrying this virus bites a pregnant mother. The Zika Virus spreads through the bloodstream and can be passed to a child through pregnancy, a mate through sexual intercourse, or to another person through blood transfusions.
Although it is a very rare occurrence it is still best to treat for mosquitos so there is no exposure to this virus. Symptoms include fever, rash, red eyes, muscle pain, joint pain, and headache. The good news is once you have been infected with the Zika Virus you are more likely to be protected from future infections.
Mosquitos Carry Malaria, Yellow Fever & West Nile Virus
Malaria is yet another disease spread by mosquitos. This disease is caused by a parasite that is passed from the mosquito to you through your bloodstream. Malaria can be fatal and will cause high fevers, a flu-like illness, and severe shaking chills. Seek immediate medical attention if you think you may be suffering from Malaria.
Yellow fever can also be contracted by a mosquito bite. Although it is rare in the Unites Sates the symptoms are brutal. People infected with Yellow fever can experience various degrees of symptoms; it may start with fever, body aches, headaches, back pain, nausea, and vomiting. Then it can progress into liver disease with bleeding, organ failure, and jaundice, which is the yellowing of the skin.
These are to only name a few of the diseases mosquitos carry into humans. If you do come down with any of these infectious diseases, get as much rest and as many fluids as you can and seek medical attention. There are no vaccines or medications to help treat West Nile Virus, Zika Virus, Malaria, or Yellow Fever so it is extremely important to have mosquito protection to help keep you and your family safe.

To help get you started on the best mosquito control treatment for you home we will provide you with a thorough inspection of your home. Looking for areas that our professionals identify as top breeding spots for mosquitos to thrive. We will come up with an action plan to quarantine you long lasting protection for your home.
Get ready to start having birthday parties, weddings, barbeques, picnics, and all kinds of celebrations again. You will have your choice of mosquito barrier treatment, special event treatment, natural mosquito treatment, and or a combination of commercial treatment.
Mosquito Barrier Treatment
Mosquito barrier treatment is the most effective treatment we have to rid your home and yard of mosquitos. We spray your yard including shrubs, mulch, low-lying tree branches, the homes foundation, and so on. This is what creates the barrier to your home and rids you of your mosquito problems. Another option is the special event treatment. Whether you are planning an outdoor wedding, graduation, birthday party, or another special celebration Republic Pest Control has your back.
We come in anywhere from twenty-four to forty-eight hours before the event and spray. This not only rids you of your mosquitos but other small insects as well. Our treatment will remain effective even if it happens to rain in between the time of treatment and the big event.
We also have a natural mosquito treatment that is safe and effective. If you are concerned about your kids playing in a yard full of chemicals no need to worry with the natural treatment. We use a combination of natural, essential oils to rid your yard of these pesky insects. Your pets will be able to roam free as well. Lastly, we offer commercial mosquito treatment. This is the ideal treatment for businesses such as hotels, restaurants, parks, and outdoor shopping malls. Our treatment will make sure the customer will come and want to stay. Your customers won’t be run off by the annoyance of these pesky critters.
If you are in desperate need of a break from the constant biting and buzzing then contact Republic Pest Control today. Learn more about mosquito control from the EPA.