Pest Control Houston
Pest control Houston area is nothing compared to the pest control services in Magnolia, TX. There are many benefits to living out in the country as opposed to in the big city, “Houston”. Wide-open spaces and plenty of fresh, open air being one of them. The downfall is that there are quite a few pests that you may have to contend, control and try to wrangle with in the country that you would not think twice about living in Houston.
Magnolia Exterminator & Pest Control Services
First of all, Magnolia is home to copperhead snakes, coral snakes, scorpions and loaded with termites. Magnolia also has your typical rat snake and garden snake but those are quite useful at helping rid you of any rodent problems. So if you’re moving to Magnolia from Houston you better invest in a good pair of cowboy boots, a lasso for roping critters and a Stetson cowboy hat to look the part. (or you could just contact Republic Pest Control to take care of your pest problems!) Now back to snakes; the copperhead snake and coral snake can pose a danger to you, your family, your pets, and any farm animals you may keep.
Here at Republic Pest Control we are fully trained and licensed to remove any snake infestation you may find yourself living with.
Montgomery County Wild Hogs

Montgomery County is also home to wild hogs. Wild hogs are an incredibly destructive and invasive species that has taken Texas by storm. Wild hogs leave the land that was once full of green grass great for bailing hay, into a muddy and useless wasteland. These hogs rid whatever area they are occupying of the natural wildlife that used to flourish there. They will also eat food that is reserved for livestock and they even go as far as eating baby sheep, deer, quail, and cows.
Wild hogs are very intelligent and can outwit most traps set for them. Moreover, they have no natural enemy or predator that will try to hunt and destroy them. Wild hogs are extremely susceptible to infections and parasites that can very easily be transmitted to pigs. This can lead to damaged pork products and put a huge hurting on the pork industry. So if you aren’t up for running a wild hog hunting experience please call Republic Pest Control.
Houston Has Fewer Bark Scorpions Than Magnolia
Yet another pest Magnolia residents have to deal with that most Houston residents do not is scorpions. If you recently have moved to the country from the city and find yourself with a scorpion infestation you may have thoughts of quickly returning to your city ways. Nothing can get a person paranoid of their surrounding like scorpions can. The scorpion most often found in Magnolia is the striped bark scorpion.

Striped bark scorpions can be very small when they are babies and up to about 3 to 4 inches long fully-grown. These scorpions are a brownish tan color with two black stripes that go down their abdomen.
If stung by one you will feel severe pain in the injection spot. There is no need to panic unless you start to feel your heart begin to race, then seek medical treatment right away. Otherwise, you can take an antihistamine and pain reliever. When you see one scorpion you can be sure there are hundreds more nearby. Scorpions are nocturnal so you will most likely see them at night. If you notice any scorpions, in or around your home, call Republic Pest Control as soon as possible.
Houston and Magnolia, TX Both Have Termites
As stated there are many differences to living in the country as contrasted to living in the country. There are however quite a few similarities. Firstly, in both the country and the city you may find yourself faced with termites. Nothing can rack up the repair bill like an infestation of termites. Termites do not discriminate whether you live on a farm or in a condo. Termites will find a way to enter into your home. The two most common termites we have in both Houston and Magnolia are subterranean termites and dry wood termites. Subterranean termites are the ones you will find underground, living in tunnels and mud tubes. They like to work their way through the soil and into your home through moisture rich spots. They seek out the spots around your home that have leaky plumbing and wet wood. Subterranean termites will use these areas to infiltrate your home and eat your baseboards, the framing of your home, window frames and more.
Drywood termites on the other hand are the termites that are typically transferred from wood, that you have brought in from the outside, not realizing it is infected. Drywood termites will then make their homes in your furniture, bookcases, and even books. If you have not spotted termites yet it is still a good idea to implement preventative measures to ensure these costly pests do not infiltrate your home. Learn more about termites from the EPA.
Everybody Needs Ant Pest Control

Everybody needs ant pest control because they’re common pest found in both Houston and Magnolia. Ants are a nightmare anywhere they are found. They are so small and crafty that it can be hard to even figure out where they are entering your home from.
Here at Republic Pest Control we are experts at taking care of any and all of your ant needs. Our professionals are highly trained in spotting the access points that ants use to enter your home. We are very familiar with the conditions that ants live best in and we rid your home of these weak spots. From sugar ants to carpenter ants, acrobat ants to fire ants, we are your ant protection experts.
Stop Spiders, Roaches, Rats & Mice From Entering Your Houston or Magnolia Home With Pest Control
Spiders are yet another common house critter that you will find in both the big city and in the wide-open country. Common house spiders are not deadly but they can be quite a nuisance. Republic Pest Control can rid you of these pesky spiders, inside your home and out. Rodents like mice and rats
are also found wherever you may live. We specialize in rodent removal. Whether it is a mouse or a rat taking up residence in your home, they all can carry life-threatening diseases and they can contaminate your food. These pests also cause severe damage by chewing through electrical wiring. Another pesky critter that will infiltrate your home wherever you may live is the cockroach.
Roaches are disgusting insects that carry in harmful diseases as well. If roaches touch your food they can leave salmonella, streptococcus, and staphylococcus behind. All of which can make you and your family very sick if ingested. Cockroaches will also destroy household appliances like refrigerators, oven, and dishwashers. They love to live off the warmth that the control boards in these electronics give off. Once there roaches leave their fecal matter and dead skin cells in the form of a slime that ruins your appliances.
Pest Control
Certainly hire Republic Pest Control if you see any of these creepy crawlies crawling around your home.
As you can see there are some differences and some similarities to the pest control service needed in a major city like Houston as opposed to the open-air county of Magnolia.