Have you ever worked hard in your yard doing your own pest control, spraying for bugs with store bought pest control, thought everything was under control, just to lift up one garden pot and be swarmed with the bugs you thought you just rid yourself of? If so it is time to call Republic Pest Control for your entire insect control needs. Outside of your home you can be dealing with all sorts of pests!
Lawn Insect Killer
The most common and most annoying outdoor pests found in Texas are fire ants, mosquitos, chinch bugs, aphids, caterpillars, snails and slugs, grubs, fleas, beetles, spider mites and termites.
Fire ants are reddish brown in color and are very painful when they sting. Their colonies can create fire ant mounds as high as 18 inches tall. They consist of a queen ant, worker ants, and brood ants. Both the males and females can be winged. Fire ants typically set up their mounds in wide-open spaces that are sunny like parks, pastures, and lawns. They are most active in the springtime and the fall.
Fire ants are very aggressive and if you do not destroy their mound they quickly will move and set up another mound near-by. If you’re looking for lawn insect killer that actually works then professional monthly pest control service from Republic Pest Control Magnolia is what you need. Stop just “spraying for bugs” and let the experts handle it!
Mosquito Repellent For Yard
The best mosquito repellent for yard treatment is finding and removing any standing water you may find. Mosquitos can be seen in Texas all year long, although they are harder to come by in the winter months. Spring and summer are when these pesky critters are most active. Mosquitos love standing water so try to rid your yard of any obvious standing water areas. They are small insects with long legs, clear wings, and a slender body. Their mouthparts are long and piercing allowing them to sting you and suck out the blood. Mosquitos also repopulate by laying their eggs in standing water so it is best to call an exterminator at the first signs of a mosquito problem in order to prevent an infestation. Learn more about mosquitos. Also check out information from the CDC on spraying for bugs and mosquitos.
Spraying For Chinch Bugs
Chinch bugs are black with white wings and have black marking on their forewings. They are small and slim insects that when born are wingless and are reddish pink in color. If you have spent the time and money into planting Saint Augustine grass in your yard then you certainly will want to prevent a chinch bug invasion. They have also been known to eat Bermuda grass as well. Chinch bugs will cause patches of stunted or dead grass that results in a yellow, circular looking patch of dying grass. Needless to say this will destroy all your efforts of a beautiful looking lawn.
Aphids Destroy Plants
Aphids are your plants and gardens worst nightmare. They are teeny tiny insects green in color with long legs, a soft body, and an antenna. These pests will attack new plants or residing plants on the underside of their leaves. Aphids suck the sap from the plant while leaving behind a sticky, clear excretion. This excretion leads to a fungus that grows on your plants and vegetables, blocking the sunlight from getting to them. Aphids most prefer crape myrtles, pecan trees, bedding plants, vegetables, and roses.
Keep Caterpillars Out Of Gardens
Caterpillars are another destroyer of plant and garden life. There are various species of caterpillars and they all look different. Caterpillars can be tricky because they do turn into beautiful butterflies, but not before damaging your plants. If you are in need for some caterpillar control please call today.
Snails in Garden
Snails and slugs are not just slimy and gooey they are also damaging to your garden and plants. Snails and slugs have soft, fleshy, and legless bodies. The only difference between a snail and a slug is that a snail has a shell on its back and a slug does not. They can be white, yellow, or black in coloring. A snail’s shell is brown in color with a spiral shape. Snails and slugs are slow moving insects and thrive in places with high moisture content. The shell on the snail helps it live longer because it provides the snail with protection from the heat, which can dry snails and slugs out. In one-night snails and slugs can destroy young vegetable seedlings. They not only eat the leaves of plants and vegetables they also devour the flowers and stems.
Grub Killer For Lawns

Grubs are not just found in survival shows as miniature protein snacks they can also be found in the soil under your grass. Grubs are another insect that will destroy expensive grass like Saint Augustine and Bermuda grass. Grubs are a creamy white color and look as though they are shaped like the letter “C”. They only have three pairs of legs and grow to only be about one inch in length. Few know that grubs are actually June bugs in their larva stage. Grubs may not look like they will cause damage but they attack the underground parts and roots of your costly grass. Grubs are most active during the summer and fall.
Fleas In Yard

Fleas may not damage your yard but they will wreak havoc on you, your family, and your pets. Fleas are very small, black insects that jump very high when disturbed. They attack people and pets by biting them which causes itching and redness. Fleas mostly attack the lower legs on people and can easily be spotted on the bellies or your pets. Spraying for bugs, especially fleas, should be done by professional pest control.
Destructive Beetles In Garden

Beetles can be either beneficial or destructive. Ladybugs are a type of beetle that is beneficial to our environment and our yards. There are two types of beetles found in Texas that are pests if found in our yards or gardens. These two types are beetles are the cucumber beetle and the flea beetle.
The cucumber beetle goes after all vegetables in the cucumber and squash family. The actual damage they cause is small but they leave diseases on the vegetables that kill them. The diseases are the squash mosaic virus and bacterial wilt. Spray for bugs with the correct pesticides.
The flea beetle on the other hand leaves behind massive destruction to the physical appearance of your plants and vegetables. If you have ever seen what looks like a shotgun effect on the leaves of your plants that is the doing of a flea beetle. Flea beetles like to feed on tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and cucumbers. Though not as common as the cucumber beetle, the flea beetle will also infect your plants with diseases like bacterial wilt and potato blight.
Spider Mites Destroy Plants
Spider mites are an orange to red color and just like all other spiders they have eight legs. They are almost microscopic in size and very hard to spot. Spider mites lay their eggs on plants buds and on the underside of plant leaves. Once hatched the spider mites begin to eat and destroy their favorite plants. These include roses, rosemary, juniper, strawberries, tomatoes, and all sorts or houseplants.
Spraying For Bugs? You’ll Need More Than Just “Bug Spray” for Termites!
Finally there are termites. These insects are small, white in color, and wingless. Termites will destroy anything in your yard with wood. Anything from stacked firewood, decks, porches, and your home. Subterranean termites are hard to detect since they build their colonies in underground tunnels and mud tubes. It is a little easier to spot drywood termites since they like to reside in decaying wood. Both species of termite can wreak havoc on your yard and your home so it is extremely advisable to get professional termite treatment if you suspect you may have termites or if you see any termites. For all of the pests mentioned above Republic Pest Control has a solution for you. Find out how we can help you and your family regain control of your home and yard again.